Saturday, October 07, 2006

Et Tu Keira?

Oh Keira why do you have to be anorexic? I used to admire you, as an independent soul, different, very much on your own, which placed you above all those mindless (so-called) beauties. But now this look? You have betrayed us and insult our intelligence. Not because you’re being skinnier, but because falling for this silly convention that beauty equals less body fat. Et tu Keira?

And here’s a piece from TIME October 2, about the undernourished look that has became the standard among female models / celebrities. Don’t blame the models, they just workers it says, blame the designers! Why do they have to create apparels such as micro skirts, skinny pants et cetera which only fits skinny shape?

No, no my friend, blame us the society for being easily fooled by those fashion czars. We have let ourselves become the victim of the fashion establishment. We crave for the ideal shape and smirk when the models look a bit too curvy. The fashion czars can come up with anything in their minds, but it is us the consumers who should have the final say. Yes, we are bombarded by that preconceived ideal images through various media which besiege us, but we should not give in! Oh Keira, you used to be the torch-bearer in this holy quest, you showed us the way. But now you let us fight alone, it’s too cruel...


By the way, I lost 2 kilos during this fasting month. Do you notice?


Anonymous said...

When life is emotionally heavier than it used to, then some find phisically lighter as solution to balance it... I guess... ;) Support to the theory -> Keira: pre vs post 'kondang'

boyke rahardian said...

Sadly, me not included: the more pressure I have, the more weight I gain. So much for 'compensation' theory... ha ha.

Anonymous said...

Oh.. dikau lupa...dikau cuma dapat pressure-nya.. tidak dapat "kondang"-nya - thats why the theory is reverse...(PS: unless you have secretly become a celebrity of Indonesia Timur with me not knowing about it ;)