Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The Sukhoi in the Hangar

Welcome to Hasanuddin Airport, Makasar. This airport is actually owned by Indonesian Air Force, that’s why there are Sukhoi fighters in the hangar over there. But Perum Angkasa Pura rent some part of the airport from the Air Force, to service civil transportation. Does it mean the money goes to the military? Military do business in this post Orba era?

My friend, don’t be too skeptical. Put it this way: I know so many satpams paid better than the sergeants in the service, and we know it doesn’t sound right. They risk their life daily to protect us civilian, so I guess it’s okay to earn a little pocket money right? Just look at those Sukhoi, they’re going to patrol our territory and protecting us from invaders...

What did you say? They are pitifully armed, if not nothing at all? No money to buy the missiles? Ah but not too worry. Look at those Sukhoi fighters, look closely. You’re intimidated right? That’s because all jet fighters are designed to look menacing. Imagine yourself as the invaders, confronted by those Sukhoi up there in the sky. Armed or not armed, I guarantee you’ll be running for your life the moment you catch sight of those things flying toward you...

Come again? They’re rarely flown? Not enough budget for the fuel? But… well come to think of it we don’t even need to fly them. It’s part of an ingenious plan. You see, we just have to leak the news to the potential invaders (say Malaysia for instance; they’ve robbed us an island!) that a squadron of Sukhoi is stationed here in Hasanuddin airport. Not a full squadron you say? Only 4 actually? Doesn't matter. They will surely get curious and send a spy here to get information. Once they have the info confirmed, they will be frightened knowing we have a squadron of--excuse me--4 Sukhoi fighters and cancel the plan to attack us all together. A very cost efficient way to stop any invasion. I’ve told you: simply ingenious, nobody can come up with such plan.

What if they know they are not armed and rarely flown? Well, who could have that information, you silly. It’s classified, top secret, not a single soul except the top brass in our Air Force know that...and probably some people in government...and us. Hmmm. But again, we won’t share that information with other parties, will you? We, after all, love our dear country, no reason to leak that information.

This country protects us, the military is reliable what else do we need? A little pocket money for the military is still justified. It’s peanut, nothing compared with the protection they give us. With the money they can buy the much needed missiles, fuels and...err...I guess it’s better to stop here.

What? I can’t hear you. No. That’s enough. I don’t need you to differ. No, I don’t need your opinion, you annoying brat. Don’t pester me with stupid questions; I’ll report you for leaking out classified information.


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